viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another Cool Day in Accra

Hello everyone! I'm just cooling it here in Accra. It is so pleasant with the most wonderful breeze. Wish I could take it back with me next Monday. Hope everyone is doing well. How is the weather there? I'm going to try to send the pics that I wanted to send last time but couldn't. I've already heard from one person that the last email I sent with pics included did not allow her to view them. So hope they work this time. But first, Adams and I went to Kasoa yesterday after church to see some land that he is thinking about buying. It was far away. Oh I'll have to tell you all about church service later. We went to his mom's church. It was a Pentecostal International Worship Center and was it ever different from a Baptist church!!!!!!!!! But very uplifting and enjoyable. I was accepted and greeted by so many wonderful people. Today we have just stayed around the house doing laundry and ironing. Tomorrow is the big day. I go to the US embassy to see if I can convince them to allow Adams to get his visa. Please say a special prayer that I might say the words that are needed to be said. We both would appreciate it.

Thank goodness I was able to upload the pics today. Let me tell you what they are. The first one is a pic of three students at Dubane Elementaray School sitting on one of the bags of rice that we bought for them. The second pic is part of the orphans who received rice at the first school, Gorm Elementary. These children were orphaned because of AIDS. The third pic is a little boy who is trying on his new school uniform that Adams bought for him. He bought almost fifty uniforms for the children. He loves them as much as I do. The next pic is of Emmanuel's mom and no she is not wearing a bra!!!!!!!! She is sitting on the floor which is dirt and I asked her if I could take her picture. The last one is the same lady wearing a I Love NY tshirt that I bought for her during my last visit. Got to run. Almost out of my thirty minutes at the internet cafe. Bye for now.

Larry in Africa


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