viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Good Day in Kasoa

Today Adams and I left early for Kasoa. We arrived and attended a PTA meeting at Amibs' school. Also while there I was asked to choose a winning piece of artwork. So they put all the work before me and I had to judge it in front of God and everybody. No pressure at all! I narrowed it down to two pieces so I decided to go with both of them. And what's so great about these two pieces? The students who painted them will receive a full year's scholarship for next year to this school complements of West Columbus High School Visual Arts Department. They also surprised me with announcing the forming of the Larry Hewett Art Club. Wow! Everyone was really nice and I thoroughly enjoyed the day including my groundnut soup for lunch. Afterwards I had the pleasure of teaching some of the students how to create tessellations. They had never done one before. I loved it very much. Well guess I'd better go for now. Got to go get supper from somewhere. Take care everyone.

Larry in Ghana


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