viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cooling It Here in Ghana!

It is so comfortable here in Ghana I cana't believe it. It is usually cloudy up until sometime in the afternoon and there is usually always a good breeze blowing. I haven't been hot at all. Yesterday Adams and I went to Akosombo. This is up in the mountains and it was beautiful. It rained while we were there for a while. This is also the location of the dam that produces all the electricity for the whole country. We ate an $8.00 cheeseburger with French fries. Well the cheeseburger did have a fried egg on it. Maybe that's why it costs so much! But it was good though.

I got bad news yesterday morning. Adams had to leave to go to his apartment to get some things and discovered that it had been broken into. They took his TV, dvd player, stereo and chairs. I feel somewhat responsible since it may not have happened had he been there. But he took it with Ghanaian style and said if he had been there he may have been injured or even killed. He said that these things were only material things and can and will be replaced with time. Wow! I think we Americans are way too much attached to our material possessions!

Today we went to the gallery where the Nigerian, Henry is going to teach me a new process and technique in sculpture. I have scheduled to be with him most of the day on Friday. I can't wait! Then we went to Labone Secondary School where we visited Tony, the art teacher that I stayed with during my first visit to Ghana. He and his wife Gifty now have a beautiful 7 month old daughter. She was precious.

We also went to the U.S. Embassy today to see about getting Adams' visa. I hopefully have arranged an appointment with the U.S. Consular in charge of visas. I am hoping that I will be able to plead my case to her and get her to understand the importance of his being able to come to the states. Keep your fingers crossed or say a little prayer for us. I should know if I get the appointment by Thursday.

Well guess I'd better be going for now. Take care and please try to stay cool. Wish you all were here in this pleasant weather.

Larry in Ghana


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