viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Go to the following website,, in order to answer the following questions.

1) What does M. C. stand for?
2) How many years did he live?
3) What kind of artist was he?
4) He is most famous for his so called ____________ structures.
5) During his lifetime he made approximately ________ lithographs, woodcuts, wood engravings, drawings and sketches.
6) What did he have in common with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci?
7) How was he connected with the post office?
8) Which country was he born in?
9) Did he pass or fail high school?
10) What was his wife's name?
11) How many Regular Division drawings did he make in his lifetime?
12) He once said, "I could fill and entire second life working on my _________."
13) He once said, "There are young people who constantly come to tell me: you too are making ____ ______. I haven't the slightest idea what that is, ____ ______. I've been doing this work for thirty years now.
14) He once said, "I don't grow up. In me is the small __________ of my early days."
15) He once said, "The things that I want to express are so _____________ and ______.
16) Is the picture a self portrait of M. C. Escher?

Be sure to answer the questions on a sheet of paper, sign your name on it and turn it in to me at the end of class. Have fun on your scavenger hunt.

Mr. Hewett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

April 2, 2010 at 1:45 PM  

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