viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Seik Temple

This is the first temple that we visited while in New Delhi. It is a Seik Temple. I think the spelling is correct. The Seiks are a branch off from the Hindus. The first picture shows the courtyard around the temple. It is completely covered with marble. Notice my group on the right side going up the stairs. We had to go barefoot and wear those awful orange scarfs on our heads before entering the temple. The second picture shows a close up of the temple. Yes it is being worked on as you can tell by the scaffolding. But notice the domes. They are covered with gold. The third picture shows Seiks being cleansed with water from the large pool beside the temple. They had the choice of either being blessed this way or actually going into the pool itself. The fourth picture shows the beautiful pool outside the temple.

Larry Hewett


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