viking art

This is a blog about my art students at West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, N.C. and about my own artwork and travels throughout the world. - Larry Hewett

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I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for Columbus County Schools.

Friday, June 29, 2007

We're in Agra

Well today we left Jaipur around 7:30 after breakfast. I was excited about coming to Agra; however I was sorry to leave behind my new found friend. Soni is doorman at the hotel in Jaipur and he and I used to talk every morning before breakfast and whenever I came in with the group. He spoke with very broken English but had become a very good friend. I'm going to miss him. He asked me before leaving if I were coming back to India and I told him I was not sure. He told me to make sure I come to the hotel and see him and I was welcome at his home any time because I was his best friend. I'm not sure what his wife would say about his invitation to me though! He wanted me to promise him that I'd call him when I got back but how on earth will I ever understand him on the phone since we had to use hand signals sometimes when we talked.

The ride to Agra took about seven hours. We all were so tired when we got to the restaurant to eat a late lunch. I ordered chicken fried rice and right before taking my last few bites I saw something in my rice. It looked like a bug about half the size of a lightning bug. I almost got sick. I told our leader on the bus what had happened and she said not to worry. It was most likely some sort of spice. Then I asked if spice had legs. She assured me that one particular spice when cooked did look like an insect. OK if she says so.

We then visited the Agra Fort which was fantastic. It was the most beautiful and the largest of all the ones so far. And guess what? From the top floor of the fort you had a perfect view of the Taj Mahal! That was one of the main reasons for the trip. It was absolutely beautiful. It was almost shining in the late evening sun. Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 5:45 am. to go to the Taj for a tour. It is supposed to be most spectacular at sunrise. I'll let you know if it's true. We were told today that there are approximately 15,000 visitors there every day. I hope they're not all there tomorrow morning.

Well this is a wonderful hotel which is a five star. It is one of the nicest hotels I've ever had the pleasure to stay in. My roommate Greg and I were hoping for some really good supper tonight but alas, we were disappointed. I am so tired of Currie that I can hardly stand it. We passed a MacDonalds on the way to the fort. Man oh man would a hamburger taste good now.

Oh I asked our tour guide today about cows in the street. If one is accidentally killed by someone nothing will be said. But if a person intentionally kills one he can face a prison term of up to 12 years. He doesn't remember one ever being killed by a car though. Well my thirty minutes is almost up and I've got to get out of here. Take care everyone. Chat with you again soon.



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